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Écrire un Personal Statement pour étudier la finance

Écrire un Personal Statement pour étudier la finance

Vous souhaitez faire des études de finance au Royaume-Uni ? Vous avez besoin d’un Personal Statement pour intégrer le cursus de vos rêves. Ce document est en effet un élément essentiel de votre dossier UCAS. Plus qu’une lettre de motivation, c’est un texte personnel qui doit montrer au jury d’admission que vous êtes le candidat idéal pour rejoindre le programme visé. Vous êtes en panne d’inspiration ? Voici quelques exemples pour vous aider.
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Comment écrire son Personal Statement ?

Pour assurer vos chances de réussite, il faut vous montrer organisé. Écrire un Personal Statement ne se fait pas en une journée. Vous devrez respecter quelques étapes simples pour ordonner vos idées et réussir à créer un plan. Une fois ces tâches effectuées, la rédaction de votre texte s’en trouvera grandement facilitée.

Le contenu de votre Personal Statement doit vous être, comme son nom l’indique, personnel. Vous devez vous mettre en valeur et surtout, rester pertinent. Lorsque vous évoquez des éléments, ne le faites que s’ils ont un rapport avec la discipline que vous voulez étudiez ou trouvez des compétences transversales qui pourront vous servir dans le cursus que vous visez. Nous récapitulons tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la forme et le fond de votre Personal Statement.

Quelques exemples de Personal Statement de finance

Premier exemple

It was when I earned my first pound at the age of ten washing my mother’s car that I became interested in the power of money.

Over time it became clear to me that the people who understand the monetary and banking system are capable of understanding the decisions made by governments and the future of society. I want to be one of those people.

To broaden my knowledge of different areas of finance, I have read a number of different books on the subject – from “How the City of London Works” to “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. I am also a regular reader of the Economist magazine.

I believe that reading such books and magazines has given me insight into topics not covered at school, for example how Japanese management in Chinese factories caused unrest among the workforce due to the Chinese workers’ dislike of the Japanese management style, and how this affected the share price of companies such as Honda.

Reading about such things has made me realise how the subject of Finance and the economy affects everybody’s lives, and has strengthened my desire to further study the subject.

The A-level subjects I am studying give me a firm foundation for studying Finance at University. Business Studies at A-level has greatly improved my analytical and writing skills.

I have particularly enjoyed the part of the course which concerns how a firm selects financial strategies and how managers choose which aspect of a firm needs the most investment.

German has improved my communication skills and self-confidence and has also made me more appreciative and open to other cultures.

Alongside the logical method of thinking that I have developed from Mathematics at A-level, I believe that I am well prepared to take on a degree course in Finance at University.

My part-time job as a receptionist at a sports and leisure club has given me some insight into the demands of working life. Having worked there since May, I now feel I am an able employee and because of the nature of the job. I have learned how to communicate with colleagues, my employer and of course, customers.

I often have to work alone so I have learned to use my own initiative and how to be independent – skills which are of paramount importance if I want to work in the financial industry.

Since the age of eleven, a hobby and a major interest of mine is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This year I won the Welsh Open under 18 absolute division and in 2010 I won a silver medal in the under 18 lightweight division in the European Championships.

My previous successes include being the team captain for the Indonesian National Children’s team, where we won the Pan Asian team Championships, beating The Philippines in the final. Balancing my academic life with the rigours of playing a sport at such a level has been very challenging at times.

The weeks and months leading up to a major competition are usually pretty stressful, but, as I have now been through the experience many times, I have learned how to deal with immense pressure – and how to enjoy the success which comes afterwards!

In addition to this, I have learned about commitment and dedication as well as honour and how to handle a major loss, and also how to remain humble in victory. The things I have learned from Jiu-Jitsu will help me throughout my life; not only during University, but during my career and long afterwards.

I am taking a gap year so I can earn some money in order to travel and to pay for some of the costs of university. I intend to keep my job as a receptionist and also to take on some teaching at the sports and leisure club and, when I have enough money, I am planning to travel around Europe and South America.

I believe this experience will be worthwhile as I will come to university with greater maturity after experiencing other cultures.

A possible career option is to do something involved in banking or investments – I certainly hope I will never have to wash another car again!

Personal Statement de oioi

L’auteur de ce Personal Statement a reçu des offres des universités suivantes :

  • University of Bristol
  • Brunel University
  • Cardiff University
  • City University

Son introduction est impactante et montre à la fois d’où vient son goût pour la finance et sa volonté d’étudier cette discipline à l’université.

En citant ses lectures, le candidat prouve qu’il porte un réel intérêt à l’économie et qu’il a approfondi ses connaissances par lui-même. En parlant d’exemples concrets de ce qu’il a appris, il est précis et démontre qu’il a retenu des informations et qu’il connaît son sujet.

En s’appuyant sur son parcours académique, il explique quels aspects des cours de finance qu’il a suivis lui ont plu et pourquoi. Il fait preuve de pertinence en citant d’autres matières et en pointant les compétences transversales qu’elles lui ont apportées, comme l’étude de l’allemand qui lui a permis de gagner en confiance en lui.

Le reste de sa lettre est principalement dédié à ses loisirs, ses compétitions sportives et ses différentes expériences professionnelles comme bénévoles. Audacieuse, sa conclusion fait écho à sa phrase d’ouverture et montre une certaine logique dans son raisonnement. Finir de cette manière montre que le candidat a réfléchi à la totalité de son texte, qui apparaît très léché. Cette conclusion lui permet d’évoquer très brièvement son projet professionnel tout en terminant par une petite touche humoristique.

Deuxième exemple

Accounting to me is not just a subject, but a life skill. It invokes not only the core disciplines of business and economics but it provides these in both a local and global context.

I see Accounting as an international common language between businesses, to analyse accounts and influence future decisions companies will make.

The application of business within the accounting degree has been one of the major pulling factors that have influenced my decision to study the subject.

After studying GCSE business and discovering the accounting and finance aspect of it, I have become fascinated to learn more, going on to extend my knowledge of the subject by reading outside of the school environment.

As an avid reader of the Accounting blog on the tutor2u website, I have gained a good grounding in the fundamental application of accounting, especially in the way websites such as ‘facebook’s’ growth is driven by their own growth through advertising, and the fact that their books and accounts continue to stay cash flow positive, despite their impressive rate of expansion.

I am particularly interested in the law aspect of the course and how decisions made can influence an individuals’ desire to defraud their accounts to avoid taxation, and the often extensive amount of time it takes to bring these people to justice.

Although initially studying psychology may not seem to have a direct influence on accounting, I feel the knowledge I have learnt about the interaction of people’s behaviour in social situations will help me greatly. This would especially be within the aspects of the course that involve management methods and organisational behaviour.

By studying Economics at A level I have found that it has had a profound effect on accounting.

The understanding I have acquired of the financial world as a whole has provided me with a strong awareness of international sections of the course. The barrier for trade inside and outside of the EU and how this affects profit margins, with relevance to extra costs on balance sheets is one example.

This awareness will help equip me to have a better understanding of real world accounting situations, where I hope to find my self in the future.

Last summer I was accepted on a two week work experience placement at the Bank of England to do shadowing and accounting of my own, however due to circumstances beyond my own control, it fell through, much to my disappointment. Nevertheless I have tried to keep in touch with current Accounting developments through the newspapers and internet.

I am currently completing my silver Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and I am planning an eight day trip, alongside “World Challenge Organisation”, to Norway next summer for my Gold expedition. The trip will be funded entirely through the money my team raise. I feel these experiences have helped me develop valuable life skills such as the desire to achieve, self-confidence and discipline.

I believe that these skills I have learnt will provide the perfect platform for a degree in accounting and aid me on into the workplace. I also play hockey for the North of England and have captained both Yorkshire and South Yorkshire sides as well as my School and Club teams.

Hockey is a major part of my extracurricular life, giving me teamwork and leadership skills and I feel I could contribute greatly to a wide range of university activities.

I look forward to studying accounting at degree level. This will allow my interest in the subject to flourish. I hope to immerse myself fully in the experience and challenges the university will provide.

Personal Statement de ash4932

La force de ce Personal Statement réside dans le fait que son auteur donne son point de vue sur l’économie et la finance et explique très clairement pourquoi il aime ces matières. Toute sa lettre est pertinente : il associe son parcours académique et ses lectures pour montrer qu’il comprend le sujet et qu’il a approfondi ses connaissances.

Le candidat est particulièrement cohérent lorsqu’il explique en quoi ses études de psychologie antérieures lui donnent des compétences qui lui serviront indiscutablement dans son cursus de finance. Il illustre ici parfaitement la notion de “compétences transversales”. Il réitère ce tour de force avec ses loisirs et activités extrascolaires : pour chacune, il développe les qualités et compétences qu’elles requièrent et qui seront des atouts pour qu’il réussisse son cursus universitaire.

Pour conclure sur le Personal Statement de finance

Le Personal Statement doit être soigné et cohérent pour être efficace et vous donner une chance de vous démarquer des autres candidats. Si vous souhaitez mettre toutes les chances de votre côté pour intégrer un cursus de finance dans une université britannique, sollicitez Caravelle Academy ! Grâce à leur expertise, nos coachs vous donneront toutes les clés pour réussir votre Personal Statement.

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