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Écrire un Personal Statement pour étudier le Management

Écrire un Personal Statement pour étudier le Management

Dès lors que vous postulez sur UCAS pour intégrer une université britannique, vous avez besoin de rédiger un Personal Statement. Comparable à une lettre de motivation, ce document est crucial dans n’importe quel dossier de candidature. Vous souhaitez étudier le management en Angleterre et ne savez pas quoi écrire dans votre Personal Statement ? Ces quelques exemples pourront sûrement vous aider à trouver l’inspiration.
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Comment écrire son Personal Statement ?

Votre Personal Statement, comme son nom l’indique, doit vous être personnel et montrer votre personnalité. Le jury d’admission veut avoir un aperçu de la personne que vous êtes et de la manière dont vous réfléchissez. Vous devez ainsi indiquer quel cursus vous souhaitez suivre, les raisons qui vous poussent à postuler et qui vous ont fait développer cette passion. Reliez bien votre parcours académique, vos expériences professionnelles et vos loisirs à la discipline que vous voulez étudier pour afficher une vraie cohérence.

En restant vrai et authentique, vous augmentez vos chances de toucher vos lecteurs. Si vous faites face au syndrôme de la page blanche, pas de panique ! Vous pouvez vous aider de notre méthodologie pour réunir vos idées et rédiger étape par étape. Prévoyez du temps pour vous relire et vous faire corriger, de préférence par des anglophones.

Retrouvez également de nombreux conseils pour vous guider aussi bien sur la forme que sur le fond de votre essai.

Des exemples de Personal Statements pour le management

Premier exemple

Success in business is not only about having the best product, but also about having the best resource management. As a result, businesses operating as meritocracies have triumphied through their ability to recruit and retain top talent. When reading “Winning” by Jack Welch, he discusses new approaches to business for managers, such as pushing aside egalitarianism in the workplace and the importance of candor amongst staff. By studying a Business degree, I will gain the skills to achieve success by understanding the application of these approaches and also be able to handle the pressures of the workplace in the most effective way possible.   

My work experience at Invesco Perpetual gave me a huge insight into how an efficient business can be managed, using an investment method of “no short cuts to success”. At this modern investment company, I was part of the emerging markets sector, and was given the task of producing research into Baidu and Piaggio Vespa’s comeback within the Asian market. It was important to not only examine the financial figures, but to also focus on the social factors around the companies, for example will the local economic climate help the business’ growth? Once the various forms of data had been examined, the firm was in a position to decide which investments should be made. I aspire to have a career in Investment Banking. Therefore the Finance and Economics Units of the degree will be especially helpful. Over the last few months I’ve been gaining experience in a completely different field. At SureCloud, a compliance management company, my role has been to both analyse and develop software for standards like ISO 27001 and PCI DSS. Besides this practical knowledge, I’ve gained an appreciation for what it takes to run a small company. Employees need to be flexible in both their skills and working hours in order for business to grow and continue to strive for success.  

When attending the High Wycombe Management Conference, teams of students were given the chance to run a virtual pizza company. We were required to take into account important business concepts like location, pricing and methods of service, which led to our performance being calculated against competitor teams. The teamwork aspect enabled me to grow my creative and lateral thinking skills, and gave me a chance to use some of the leadership methods learnt during my Business A-level. Another time my team communication skills were important was during an expedition around the Norwegian mountains. By being the group’s fund manager, I was tasked with the responsibility of coordinating the group’s currency exchanges and daily finances. This required me to forecast and organise the team’s spending, so that we remained in budget.   

Aside from teamwork, I have developed independently through representing my school at cross-country. It has taught me how important self-motivation and perseverance is for reaching goals. I plan on expanding on this by taking part in Blenheim Palace triathlon, which will require me to become focused and disciplined in my training. In terms of hobbies, I enjoy photography and learnt a lot about this art form when taking a GCSE in the subject in combination with my AS levels. Such topics like focal points and framing stress the importance of leading the viewer within a photo. I feel that this draws parallels to business; the way ideas need to be presented with emphasis and clear structure.  

I regard my A-level choices of Maths, Chemistry, Computing and Business Studies, and the addition of AS-Level Further Maths, as a good demonstration of my time management skill, as I have successfully divided my workload between them all. Finally, I look forward to developing myself on a personal level with the experiences offered at University.

Personal Statement de Anonyme

Ce Personal Statement rentre directement dans le vif du sujet avec une phrase d’accroche incisive. Son auteur enchaîne rapidement en citant un ouvrage qu’il a lu et qui lui sert de transition pour expliquer pourquoi il postule à un diplôme de management.

Le candidat détaille ensuite ses expériences professionnelles et donne des exemples sur ce qu’il faisait concrètement dans les entreprises pour lesquelles il a travaillé. Il parvient ainsi à souligner ses compétences et surtout ce qu’il a déjà appris en termes de management.

Son Personal Statement reste pertinent de bout en bout. Toutes ses expériences personnelles et ses activités extrascolaires sont mentionnées dans le but de mettre en avant ses compétences, transversales et ou non. Le candidat parvient à donner une impression d’engagement et d’investissement grâce à la pertinence de son texte.

Deuxième exemple

“All great men have been artists; the man with no imagination may collect facts, but he cannot make great discoveries”. This modified quotation by Karl Pearson reflects my own attitude to life, learning and future career. So I would like to make the best use of my creative and critical skills by doing management degree at university.

In music rationality is dictated by rhythm, whereas in management economic theory is responsible for rational allocation of resources, which are then managed. I am a cosmopolitan person: born in Germany, raised in Russia, and educated in the UK. As a consequence I have been keeping up to date with news on a worldwide scale but when I started studying Economics at Moscow State University, I began to focus on business issues. It was obvious to me that people often take ill-considered decisions, which may lead to horrible consequences. This critical view stimulated my interests in economic theories and practice.

My Extended Essay is devoted to a new law passed by the government of Moscow concerning tobacco regulations. When conducting research I worked on my own while scrutinizing aspects of government policy. I investigated possible economic implications of that law, both positive and negative, and suggested solutions to problems that might occur.

My TOK essay is also related to Economics and management. I investigate the knowledge issues and bias that occur in Economics. I analyze in detail decision-making process and how it is determined. It turned out that some economic theories are unsound as they are based on assumptions, which may not by true. Irrationality of agents and their heuristic bias have huge impact on the functioning of markets and are not always taken into account.

I gained work experience in a small firm in Moscow, focusing on imports of Italian furniture. As I developed communication and management skills I had to perform a project manager’s responsibilities, coordinating the activity of several departments (purchasing, finance and business development) for successful completion of projects. I was responsible for communication with business partners abroad, so when I received indications from them I needed to pass those on to the management department. I got myself into my working routine relatively quickly. However, it was a real challenge for me as the people I was working with were more experienced and the responsibility I was taking was great.

In the academic year 2012-2013 I was completing simultaneously the Lower Sixth and the final year of secondary school in Russia. That involved a lot of hard work and application of my time management skills. While getting secondary education in Russia I participated in numerous school competitions. I have been awarded “Star of the New Millennium” by my school in Moscow, as voted by both teachers and my peers.

Reading “Freakonomics”, which I find rather entertaining than scientific, inspired me to study Economics in depth as it shows how diverse and sometimes unpredictable this science can be. Looking for economic solutions I came to the conclusion that wise management is the solution to the majority of economic problems and thus read “Operations Management” by Nigel Slack. I also take an interest in psychology, which I think extremely important when managing human resources. My favorite works on that subject include “Games People Play” by Eric Berne and “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman.

I do sports on a regular basis. I am possessor of an orange karate belt and midfielder in the girls’ football team. My creative skills are best showcased in the school Choir and at the piano. In 2012 I placed first among pianists at the Godalming Music Festival. I have been able to get such achievements by reaching small goals while aiming higher. I get along with people easily and can work efficiently as in team or individually. I am industrious, critical, imaginative and creative, which I hope fits me well for this demanding course.

Personal Statement de Anonyme

Ce Personal Statement s’ouvre sur une citation, ce qui peut être dangereux. Le jury d’admission veut comprendre qui vous êtes et comment vous réfléchissez : commencer par les mots de quelqu’un d’autre peut donc déprécier votre lettre. Ce genre d’introduction peut donc être à double tranchant : méfiance !

Le corps du texte se concentre sur les expériences professionnelles et le parcours académique du candidat, qui relie tous ces éléments à l’économie et au management. En mentionnant également des lectures qu’il a faites, il appuie son intérêt pour le management et montre qu’il a des connaissances sur le sujet.

Son dernier paragraphe est consacré à ses accomplissements et à ses loisirs, qui mettent en évidence ses valeurs et qualités personnelles. Le candidat clôture ainsi sa lettre de manière positive.

Pour conclure sur le Personal Statement pour un cursus de management

Votre Personal Statement est déterminant dans votre dossier d’admission à l’université. Cet élément a le pouvoir de faire basculer votre candidature. Vous devez donc vous assurer qu’il soit parfaitement soigné et surtout qu’il puisse avoir de l’impact sur le jury d’admission. Pour mettre toutes les chances de votre côté, faites appel aux experts de Caravelle Academy !

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